SAMADHI Group Training Classes

Alchemy Crystal Sound Healing


This powerful sound healing will re-tune your cells and atoms to healing, health and harmony through the unseen light, and sounds of high vibrational alchemy crystal bowls.

In this weekly session, you learn to decode Divine Wisdom into everyday life application. You will begin to see and experience reality from the sweet perspective of the Soul.



這堂每周連續的強力課程是為那些準備好要認真覺醒的人而開設,學習並應用Mother Ocean 的真理教義,從而在心靈層面改造你自己和他人的人生。

The ChangeMaker Series

Currently on pause for the summer

This global one hour weekly class effectively focuses on the practical application of Heart Intelligence into demanding work environments, to bring about ease and empowerment for you.

This weekly powerful programme offers constant and systematic spiritual training for individuals who are ready to awaken to their remarkable Soul Self. Through diligent study and practice in a global online group setting, these Truth Teachings of Ocean White Hawk will transform your life, awakening you to your Soul Purpose - to serve humanity with the Love of who you are.

Untrained mind repeats destructive mental and behavioural patterns, contaminating the purity of the heart. Train Higher Awareness to rewire your neural pathways to release mental toxicity and restore harmony to the heart.